mercoledì, Aprile 24, 2024


Immune metabolism “on fire”: itaconate as a inner mediator that “redoxes” inflammation off by aiming to multiple targets

Metabolic products can lead to crucial biological function alterations, by regulating cellular enzymes. Itaconate is probably the best example of how a metabolic process...

Gli effetti antinfiammatori del cortisone senza segreti: il punto cruciale di incontro è sempre stato il metabolismo cellulare

Il cortisone è in realtà naturalmente presente nel corpo come cortisolo, un ormone dello stress. L'organismo rilascia cortisolo per migliorare le risposte del corpo...

Lo stile dietetico è “leader” per correggere il colon irritabile (IBS): l’ultima ricerca dell’Università di Goteborg

La sindrome dell'intestino irritabile (IBS) è una diagnosi comune che causa dolore e gonfiore addominali, diarrea e stitichezza, in varie combinazioni e con vari...

Cancer stem cells: an “old glory” works unexpectedly great against

Cancer stem cells (CSCs), also known as cancer-causing cells, are a hot topic among researchers. These cells are resistant to current treatments and play...

Cystitis: what is the best prevention? Water, of course.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are more common among women who have 50 to 60% of all women who receive these infections at least once...

Women and early bowel cancer: BMI is a risk factor

Women who are overweight or obese have up to twice the risk of developing colorectal cancer before age 50 as women who have what...

Aloe vera: clinical data prove protection for our genetic material

The term "oxidative stress" refers to the imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants in favor of oxidants that could potentially lead to damage. While it...

PCOS: what oxidative stress and markers are trying to tell us?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequently observed endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age. Although the figures vary according to diagnostic criteria, its...

Wanna fight neurodegeneration? SUMO is not the right style

Studying the fundamental aspects of biology can sometimes lead to unexpected findings that directly relate to human disease. In one of the latest examples...

Serotonin in dementia: there is no lacking, just a wrong recycling

Dementia or progressive loss of memory and brain functions affects millions worldwide with an increase in the number of elderly people. In England there...

Sugar and its “bloody” shifts: the screening for “spikers” and not.

Food has a strong impact on glucose fluctuations and some commonly consumed foods have been found to cause a large glucose spike in most...

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