giovedì, Aprile 25, 2024

Sintomi somatici: una componente sottovalutata dei disturbi mentali conseguenti a traumi infantili

I sintomi somatici comprendono una varietà di disturbi fisici,...

“Addestramento” contro l’autoimmunità: in quale fra le condizioni conosciute l’esercizio fisico ha il maggior beneficio?

L’aumento globale delle malattie autoimmuni, guidato da fattori ambientali...

Immune metabolism “on fire”: itaconate as a inner mediator that “redoxes” inflammation off by aiming to multiple targets

Metabolic products can lead to crucial biological function alterations,...

Tag: colon cancer


Eosino-philia for cancer: the hidden ancient weapon rises up

Eosinophils are white blood cells that secrete powerfully destructive proteins.Major basic protein 1 and 2 (MBP-1, MBP-2), eosinophil-derived neurotoxin (EDN), and eosinophil peroxidase...

Cranberries: a fruity tool to shape microbiota and our health

In a recently published feeding trial in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, scientists investigated the potential protective effect of cranberries on the gut microbiome with...

CancerSEEK: the latest cancer detection blood test from Hopkins

Blood tests that detect somatic mutations (“liquid biopsies”) offer the promise of exquisite specificity because they are based on driver gene mutations that are...

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