sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Depression “under pressure”: the better we know mechanisms, the better come out managements

Deporession ad public health emergency Depression is a growing mental...


Le continue sorprese del coronavirus nei sopravvissuti alla malattia e in coloro che si sono vaccinati con vaccini virali

La pandemia di COVID-19 è stata una delle calamità sanitarie pubbliche più gravi dell’ultimo decennio, causando milioni di morbilità e mortalità a livello globale....

Depression “under pressure”: the better we know mechanisms, the better come out managements

Deporession ad public health emergency Depression is a growing mental health concern and is associated with significant levels of disability across the world. Depressive symptoms,...

“Nulla va sprecato”: l’acido lattico come sorgente di energia e vitalità invece che scarto del metabolismo

La retina è un tessuto neurale in cui i segnali visivi vengono trasdotti dai fotorecettori e successivamente elaborati dai neuroni retinici interni. Il costante...

Carpal tunnel syndrome: reactive oxygen species bite the nerves while vitamin D muzzles them

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CATS) is one of the most common peripheral neuropathies affecting the anatomy of the wrist. It causes compression of the median...

Preventing breast cancer with naturals: the complete effectiveness though is a matter of cooperation

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and is a serious global health problem. The growth of approximately 70% of breast cancers...

Pitavastatin: the future official drug to prevent pancreatic cancer?

Chronic inflammation is a leading cause of cancer worldwide. A new study by researchers at the Mass General Cancer Center, a founding member of...

SLEight of hand for autoimmune responses: a game of competence between interferon, cellular receptors and metabolites

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is the prototypical autoimmune disease driven by pathological interactions between T cells and B cells. The expansion of T follicular...

Testosterone comes to age: polyphenols and their food sources as possible “virility” boosters

Male hormones and how they are regulated Androgens are produced primarily by Leydig cells in the testes and are vital for the development and maintenance...

White blood cells can be “labeled” for obesity: “priming” for inflammation, however, is a different story

Obesity raises the risk of several health problems, including insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular disease, stroke, sleep apnea, slow wound healing,...

The dark side of sulfur metabolism: are neurodegeneration and inflammatory bowel diseases lying above?

Neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs), which have no known cures and elusive causes, result in irreversible damage to the brain and nervous system. Research into these...

Hormones, genetics and food choices: the complex yet easy picture behind acne

On the origins of acne Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory skin condition that primarily affects adolescents and young adults. It has a prevalence of...

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