domenica, Maggio 5, 2024

La varietà biologica dell’artrite reumatoide: non tutti gli anticorpi sono uguali nei pazienti e si cerca di capire perchè

L’artrite reumatoide (ARE) è una malattia autoimmune cronica che...

Inulina: la fibra solubile alimentare che fa bene al microbiota, ma non in caso di malattie infiammatorie intestinali

La fibra alimentare, inclusa quella solubile come l’inulina, è...

Double-edge swords or unrecognized “factotums”? Reactive electrophiles turn off inflammation while enhancing aging

After activation, immune cells engage in metabolic remodeling to...

Tag: geen expression


Chronic inflammation of the elderly: the responsible for its persistent anemia

Aging is an inevitable process that is influenced by genetics, lifestyle and the environment. However, the underlying mechanisms of the aging process are not...

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