venerdì, Ottobre 25, 2024

Ormoni tiroidei: la loro biologia cerebrale e come condizionano l’evoluzione della sclerosi multipla

Biologia degli ormoni tiroidei nel sistema nervoso Gli ormoni tiroidei,...

Muscles got trauma and can’t heal? Never fear, omega-3 is here!

Although older adults participate relatively less in strenuous physical...

Il ruolo del testosterone nella biologia del cervello: implicazioni per la demenza di Alzheimer e gli interventi terapeutici

Testosterone e funzioni cerebrali Gli ormoni androgeni, in particolare il...

Tag: protein synthesis


Breast cancer: fatty menopause is a dangerous cellular activaTOR

Scientists have long known that excess body weight increases women's risks of ER-positive breast cancer after menopause, but the specific metabolic pathways and genetic...

Cancer stem cells: enzyme interplay for a specific target decay

An increase in the incidence and mortality rate of cancer has been noted worldwide, especially for lung cancer. Many patients with lung carcinoma harbor...

ALS: cellular stressors and basic activity wake up the sick gene

Patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) frequently have a string of repeated DNA code in brain neurons, carrying hundreds to thousands of copies within...

CMT syndrome: the mechanism beneath that keeps “hands and feet” tied

About 1 in 2,500 people have a degenerative nerve disease called Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT). The disease is typically diagnosed in children, who may lose their...

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Ormoni tiroidei: la loro biologia cerebrale e come condizionano l’evoluzione della sclerosi multipla

Biologia degli ormoni tiroidei nel sistema nervoso Gli ormoni tiroidei,...

Muscles got trauma and can’t heal? Never fear, omega-3 is here!

Although older adults participate relatively less in strenuous physical...

Il ruolo del testosterone nella biologia del cervello: implicazioni per la demenza di Alzheimer e gli interventi terapeutici

Testosterone e funzioni cerebrali Gli ormoni androgeni, in particolare il...

RNA methylation and oxidative stress: the potential target to treat the lethal melanoma and its metastases

When cancer cells colonize vital organs, they enter hostile...

Se i farmaci non bastano si passa al biologico: gli studi pionieristici di Calluna Pharma contro le sclerosi autoimmuni

Calluna Pharma AS (Calluna), un'azienda biotecnologica in fase clinica...