sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Depression “under pressure”: the better we know mechanisms, the better come out managements

Deporession ad public health emergency Depression is a growing mental...


Le continue sorprese del coronavirus nei sopravvissuti alla malattia e in coloro che si sono vaccinati con vaccini virali

La pandemia di COVID-19 è stata una delle calamità sanitarie pubbliche più gravi dell’ultimo decennio, causando milioni di morbilità e mortalità a livello globale....

Depression “under pressure”: the better we know mechanisms, the better come out managements

Deporession ad public health emergency Depression is a growing mental health concern and is associated with significant levels of disability across the world. Depressive symptoms,...

“Nulla va sprecato”: l’acido lattico come sorgente di energia e vitalità invece che scarto del metabolismo

La retina è un tessuto neurale in cui i segnali visivi vengono trasdotti dai fotorecettori e successivamente elaborati dai neuroni retinici interni. Il costante...

PCOS: what oxidative stress and markers are trying to tell us?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most frequently observed endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age. Although the figures vary according to diagnostic criteria, its...

Wanna fight neurodegeneration? SUMO is not the right style

Studying the fundamental aspects of biology can sometimes lead to unexpected findings that directly relate to human disease. In one of the latest examples...

Serotonin in dementia: there is no lacking, just a wrong recycling

Dementia or progressive loss of memory and brain functions affects millions worldwide with an increase in the number of elderly people. In England there...

Sugar and its “bloody” shifts: the screening for “spikers” and not.

Food has a strong impact on glucose fluctuations and some commonly consumed foods have been found to cause a large glucose spike in most...

How emotions directly and indirectly influence cancer: the first systematic study

"The relationship between a person's emotional state and cancer has been demonstrated in the past, but mainly in relation to negative feelings such as...

PCOS pill: the new drug “shoots” fertility back to order

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is very common in girls and women of reproductive age and is a major cause of female subfertility. While no...

Silver bullets for cancers: now it’s time to believe it “on the word”

Apart from the fiction related to werewolves, there has always been talk of finding a "silver bullet" to kill tumors, as declared by the...

Social stress: how does it affect microbiota and community hierarchies?

It is well known that our brain and our entrails influence each other - although many of the ways they are interconnected remain mysterious....

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