sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Depression “under pressure”: the better we know mechanisms, the better come out managements

Deporession ad public health emergency Depression is a growing mental...


Le continue sorprese del coronavirus nei sopravvissuti alla malattia e in coloro che si sono vaccinati con vaccini virali

La pandemia di COVID-19 è stata una delle calamità sanitarie pubbliche più gravi dell’ultimo decennio, causando milioni di morbilità e mortalità a livello globale....

Depression “under pressure”: the better we know mechanisms, the better come out managements

Deporession ad public health emergency Depression is a growing mental health concern and is associated with significant levels of disability across the world. Depressive symptoms,...

“Nulla va sprecato”: l’acido lattico come sorgente di energia e vitalità invece che scarto del metabolismo

La retina è un tessuto neurale in cui i segnali visivi vengono trasdotti dai fotorecettori e successivamente elaborati dai neuroni retinici interni. Il costante...

Geraniol: the aromatic natural that would prevent senile dementia?

Although cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancers still have their high prevalence, life expectancy in the 21st century is increasing resulting in an increase in...

Gut microbiome safely driving by CAR: it does not DIM the lights so there no risk to DIE by LIVEr accidents

The gut microbiome hosts bacteria that produce compounds as by-products of feeding on our digestive remnants. Some of them can bind to nuclear receptors;...

R-loops work with TERRA project at the G4 telomere meeting: and ILF-3 is not the correct option to erase SASPects

Telomeres are specialized structures at the ends of linear chromosomes that protect genome stability. At their level, particular forms of chromatin may be found....

Resisting arrest: ribosomials, oncogenes, tumor suppressors and enzymes coordinate to induce cell suicide in leukemia

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a highly aggressive cancer. Numerous genetic subtypes of ALL have been identified, including Philadelphia chromosome-positive B-cell ALL (Ph+B ALL)...

Immune metabolism “on fire”: itaconate as a inner mediator that “redoxes” inflammation off by aiming to multiple targets

Metabolic products can lead to crucial biological function alterations, by regulating cellular enzymes. Itaconate is probably the best example of how a metabolic process...

Proteasome anchors to neuronal membranes to become a signaling platform: moonlightner or hidden deceiver?

Within the nervous system, the proteasome system (PROS) has been reported to be involved in a number of cellular processes. Furthermore, PROS appears to...

Back to the future: seasonal allergies management with awareness and smart planning for quality of life

It is spring again and the ordeal will begin again for all those suffering from seasonal pollen allergies. If you suffer from spring allergies,...

Marrow stem cells enterprising toward aging: a journey among receptors, cytokines, signaling, “fatty” stores and lifestyle

The aging immune system is associated with reduced lymphopoiesis, increased inflammation, and bone marrow diseases due to alterations in self-renewing haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)....

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