sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Depression “under pressure”: the better we know mechanisms, the better come out managements

Deporession ad public health emergency Depression is a growing mental...

Tag: immune defenses


Effetti del fumo sul sistema immunitario (II): la durevolezza degli effetti legata alla metilazione del DNA

Come altri fattori come l’età, il sesso e la genetica, il fumo ha un impatto importante sulle risposte immunitarie. Questa è la scoperta recentemente...

Marrow stem cells enterprising toward aging: a journey among receptors, cytokines, signaling, “fatty” stores and lifestyle

The aging immune system is associated with reduced lymphopoiesis, increased inflammation, and bone marrow diseases due to alterations in self-renewing haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)....

Even becoming a mother implies “gut” feelings: and microbiota shapeshifts according to necessities

Pregnancy induces significant changes in hormonal levels, body structure, and immune function, essential for fetal development. Initially, the maternal immune system is pro-inflammatory, becoming...

Psychological stress reshape immunity from its “guts”: the role of gamma-delta T cells

In experiments with mice and humans, a team led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers says it has identified a particular intestinal immune cell that...

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