sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Depression “under pressure”: the better we know mechanisms, the better come out managements

Deporession ad public health emergency Depression is a growing mental...

Tag: protein kinase


The risk for cognitive impairment among breast cancer survivors: drug types vs. plausible mechanisms

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the United States, with 83% of invasive cases occurring in women aged 50...

Preventing breast cancer with naturals: the complete effectiveness though is a matter of cooperation

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women and is a serious global health problem. The growth of approximately 70% of breast cancers...

Pitavastatin: the future official drug to prevent pancreatic cancer?

Chronic inflammation is a leading cause of cancer worldwide. A new study by researchers at the Mass General Cancer Center, a founding member of...

Testosterone comes to age: polyphenols and their food sources as possible “virility” boosters

Male hormones and how they are regulated Androgens are produced primarily by Leydig cells in the testes and are vital for the development and maintenance...

Gli acidi cheto-insaturi prodotti dal microbiota: i regolatori poco noti dell’immunità corporea

Il microbiota intestinale svolge un ruolo chiave nella digestione e nel mantenimento della salute generale. Qualsiasi disturbo nel microbiota intestinale può quindi avere un...

Science deals with obesity on the table: sharing pleasures for coffee, tea and cocoa

Obesity and public health There are not only infectious pandemics: obesity has become a significant public health problem worldwide due to its gradually increasing prevalence....

Geraniol: the aromatic natural that would prevent senile dementia?

Although cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancers still have their high prevalence, life expectancy in the 21st century is increasing resulting in an increase in...

Immune metabolism “on fire”: itaconate as a inner mediator that “redoxes” inflammation off by aiming to multiple targets

Metabolic products can lead to crucial biological function alterations, by regulating cellular enzymes. Itaconate is probably the best example of how a metabolic process...

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