venerdì, Ottobre 25, 2024

Ormoni tiroidei: la loro biologia cerebrale e come condizionano l’evoluzione della sclerosi multipla

Biologia degli ormoni tiroidei nel sistema nervoso Gli ormoni tiroidei,...

Muscles got trauma and can’t heal? Never fear, omega-3 is here!

Although older adults participate relatively less in strenuous physical...

Il ruolo del testosterone nella biologia del cervello: implicazioni per la demenza di Alzheimer e gli interventi terapeutici

Testosterone e funzioni cerebrali Gli ormoni androgeni, in particolare il...

Tag: cellular energy


Microbiota like “Big Brother”: spying on his metabolism for our health

Researchers at the University of Virginia and their collaborators, however, have devised a way to understand not just what is happening but why. By combining cutting-edge...

Stem cells: neurotransmitters got them by “gut feelings”

Somatic stem cells are microscopic workhorses, constantly regenerating cells throughout the body: skin and the lining of the intestine, for example. And to University...

Cancer stem cells: an “old glory” works unexpectedly great against

Cancer stem cells (CSCs), also known as cancer-causing cells, are a hot topic among researchers. These cells are resistant to current treatments and play...

Silver bullets for cancers: now it’s time to believe it “on the word”

Apart from the fiction related to werewolves, there has always been talk of finding a "silver bullet" to kill tumors, as declared by the...

Gut microbiota: how it could directly prevent colorectal cancer

New research, published in the journal Nature Communications, shows how our diet affects bacteria in our gut, which, in turn, can alter the behavior...

Diabetes therapy: the weaponry enlarges with possibilities

A new class of drugs for diabetes and for obesity dependent on it will soon be available. This is judged by the findings of...

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Ormoni tiroidei: la loro biologia cerebrale e come condizionano l’evoluzione della sclerosi multipla

Biologia degli ormoni tiroidei nel sistema nervoso Gli ormoni tiroidei,...

Muscles got trauma and can’t heal? Never fear, omega-3 is here!

Although older adults participate relatively less in strenuous physical...

Il ruolo del testosterone nella biologia del cervello: implicazioni per la demenza di Alzheimer e gli interventi terapeutici

Testosterone e funzioni cerebrali Gli ormoni androgeni, in particolare il...

RNA methylation and oxidative stress: the potential target to treat the lethal melanoma and its metastases

When cancer cells colonize vital organs, they enter hostile...

Se i farmaci non bastano si passa al biologico: gli studi pionieristici di Calluna Pharma contro le sclerosi autoimmuni

Calluna Pharma AS (Calluna), un'azienda biotecnologica in fase clinica...