domenica, Maggio 5, 2024

La varietà biologica dell’artrite reumatoide: non tutti gli anticorpi sono uguali nei pazienti e si cerca di capire perchè

L’artrite reumatoide (ARE) è una malattia autoimmune cronica che...

Inulina: la fibra solubile alimentare che fa bene al microbiota, ma non in caso di malattie infiammatorie intestinali

La fibra alimentare, inclusa quella solubile come l’inulina, è...

Double-edge swords or unrecognized “factotums”? Reactive electrophiles turn off inflammation while enhancing aging

After activation, immune cells engage in metabolic remodeling to...

Tag: migraine


Hangovers and headache: a tale of receptors, mast(er) cells and “painful” neurochemical agreements

Alcohol addiction affects 283 million people globally. Crises such as terrorism, economic hardships and the coronavirus pandemic heighten alcohol intake and risky behaviors. Rehabilitation...

Migraine: found an association with diabetes. What lies beneath?

According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017, headache disorders (consisting mainly of migraine), are the second leading cause of disability worldwide. Diabetes...

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