giovedì, Maggio 9, 2024

Sviluppare vaccini antinfluenzali con potenziamento cellulare: possibilità, modalità e sfide sottostanti

La questione influenza e gli attuali vaccini L’influenza ha sempre...

Alimenti ultra-trasformati e salute pubblica: le implicazioni per cardiovasculopatie, diabete, ma anche problemi renali

Background La ricerca ha evidenziato la diffusione globale dei modelli...

Gut microbiome safely driving by CAR: it does not DIM the lights so there no risk to DIE by LIVEr accidents

The gut microbiome hosts bacteria that produce compounds as...


Sviluppare vaccini antinfluenzali con potenziamento cellulare: possibilità, modalità e sfide sottostanti

La questione influenza e gli attuali vaccini L’influenza ha sempre causato una significativa morbilità e mortalità in tutto il mondo, con un bilancio annuale delle...

Alimenti ultra-trasformati e salute pubblica: le implicazioni per cardiovasculopatie, diabete, ma anche problemi renali

Background La ricerca ha evidenziato la diffusione globale dei modelli alimentari occidentali, in particolare l’aumento del consumo di alimenti ultra-trasformati (AUT) nelle diverse fasi economiche....

Gut microbiome safely driving by CAR: it does not DIM the lights so there no risk to DIE by LIVEr accidents

The gut microbiome hosts bacteria that produce compounds as by-products of feeding on our digestive remnants. Some of them can bind to nuclear receptors;...

Communications restored: SMA therapy through a protein that enSNAREs two types of cells

Columbia researchers have discovered how a genetic defect leads to spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a critical piece of information about the disease that neurologists...

Psychological stress reshape immunity from its “guts”: the role of gamma-delta T cells

In experiments with mice and humans, a team led by Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers says it has identified a particular intestinal immune cell that...

The complex puzzle of youth obesity: not only “calorie issue” but policies and choices as well

Childhood and adolescent obesity have been identified as one of the most serious health issues of the 21st century. Adolescents represent an important target...

Mexican cuisine on the spotlights: are its polyphenols good for the general health?

Traditional Mexican cuisine is characterized by polyphenol-rich grains, legumes, tubers, spices, and vegetables. However, the Mexican diet has evolved over the past few decades,...

Is anti-Mulleran hormone suitable to check fertility out?

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a glycoprotein and a member of the transforming growth factor β (TGF-β) family, that plays an important role in normal sexual differentiation...

Why mononucleosis takes root in some individuals and not for everyone? Science brings the answer to the “surface”

Of all the viral infections that affect humans, Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is one of the most common. Upon initial infection, the virus causes mononucleosis...

Sports supplements: ethical considerations outside the practice

There is no single definition, legal or within the nutritional sciences, of what constitutes a dietary supplement. There are several and they may be...

C-section vs. natural delivery: is it a true need or a cultural issue?

The increase in cesarean sections is on the verge of a global epidemic. Though WHO recommends an optimal C-section rate of 10-15%, the United...

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Sviluppare vaccini antinfluenzali con potenziamento cellulare: possibilità, modalità e sfide sottostanti

La questione influenza e gli attuali vaccini L’influenza ha sempre...

Fatty traits of behaviors: arachidonic acid and its implication for bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a debilitating mood disorder characterized by...

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