mercoledì, Maggio 8, 2024

Sviluppare vaccini antinfluenzali con potenziamento cellulare: possibilità, modalità e sfide sottostanti

La questione influenza e gli attuali vaccini L’influenza ha sempre...

Alimenti ultra-trasformati e salute pubblica: le implicazioni per cardiovasculopatie, diabete, ma anche problemi renali

Background La ricerca ha evidenziato la diffusione globale dei modelli...

Gut microbiome safely driving by CAR: it does not DIM the lights so there no risk to DIE by LIVEr accidents

The gut microbiome hosts bacteria that produce compounds as...


Sviluppare vaccini antinfluenzali con potenziamento cellulare: possibilità, modalità e sfide sottostanti

La questione influenza e gli attuali vaccini L’influenza ha sempre causato una significativa morbilità e mortalità in tutto il mondo, con un bilancio annuale delle...

Alimenti ultra-trasformati e salute pubblica: le implicazioni per cardiovasculopatie, diabete, ma anche problemi renali

Background La ricerca ha evidenziato la diffusione globale dei modelli alimentari occidentali, in particolare l’aumento del consumo di alimenti ultra-trasformati (AUT) nelle diverse fasi economiche....

Gut microbiome safely driving by CAR: it does not DIM the lights so there no risk to DIE by LIVEr accidents

The gut microbiome hosts bacteria that produce compounds as by-products of feeding on our digestive remnants. Some of them can bind to nuclear receptors;...

Osteoarthritis on the chip: hyaluronate leads to diagnosis

For the first time, scientists at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have been able to measure a specific molecule indicative of osteoarthritis and a...

Antidepressants: delving into resistance to enhance mood compliance

Major depressive disorder is a debilitating illness that affects more than 350 million people around the world. Medications and psychotherapy are effective for most...

Breast cancer: fatty menopause is a dangerous cellular activaTOR

Scientists have long known that excess body weight increases women's risks of ER-positive breast cancer after menopause, but the specific metabolic pathways and genetic...

Reprogramming by the heart: diclofenac on the limelight

Once damaged, the human heart does a poor job of repairing itself, so this is a key priority for treating heart failure. One way...

Scleroderma: nothing more true than “the root is skin-deep”

A protein known to play a role in cancer may also be increasing fibrosis in scleroderma patients. Systemic sclerosis (Scleroderma, SSc) is a systemic...

Melanoma: the N-Ras mutation is stoppable for the upstream

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that accounts for 1% of all skin cancer cases. Despite this small percentage, melanoma is responsible for a large number of skin...

Multiple sclerosis: endogenous metabolites actually spawned epigenetics

Understanding and mitigating the role of epigenetics (environmental influences that trigger changes in gene expression) in disease development is a major goal of researchers....

Insulin from a toxin: sea cone snail as a spring for better therapies

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to allow the body to use sugar or glucose from carbohydrates from food for energy or...

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Sviluppare vaccini antinfluenzali con potenziamento cellulare: possibilità, modalità e sfide sottostanti

La questione influenza e gli attuali vaccini L’influenza ha sempre...

Fatty traits of behaviors: arachidonic acid and its implication for bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder is a debilitating mood disorder characterized by...

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