domenica, Maggio 19, 2024

La sindrome dolorosa regionale complessa: una situazione che, a dispetto delle precedenti teorie, può guarire?

La sindrome dolorosa regionale complessa (CRPS) è una condizione...

Parkinson e Crohn che condividono tratti genetici e metabolici comuni: finalmente verso una medicina personalizzata?

Prove emergenti suggeriscono un legame tra due disturbi apparentemente...


La sindrome dolorosa regionale complessa: una situazione che, a dispetto delle precedenti teorie, può guarire?

La sindrome dolorosa regionale complessa (CRPS) è una condizione persistente, dolorosa e invalidante che di solito, ma non esclusivamente, si manifesta in risposta a...

Parkinson e Crohn che condividono tratti genetici e metabolici comuni: finalmente verso una medicina personalizzata?

Prove emergenti suggeriscono un legame tra due disturbi apparentemente non correlati, la malattia infiammatoria intestinale (IBD) e la malattia di Parkinson (PAD), indicando fattori...

TRPS1 as possible unique biomarker for triple-negative? Investigations on cellular biology and mechanisms

The mammary gland is a complex tissue comprising a variety of cell types. Their proper functioning is crucial for the health of the breast....

Melanoma: the N-Ras mutation is stoppable for the upstream

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that accounts for 1% of all skin cancer cases. Despite this small percentage, melanoma is responsible for a large number of skin...

Multiple sclerosis: endogenous metabolites actually spawned epigenetics

Understanding and mitigating the role of epigenetics (environmental influences that trigger changes in gene expression) in disease development is a major goal of researchers....

Insulin from a toxin: sea cone snail as a spring for better therapies

Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to allow the body to use sugar or glucose from carbohydrates from food for energy or...

Cancer stem cells: enzyme interplay for a specific target decay

An increase in the incidence and mortality rate of cancer has been noted worldwide, especially for lung cancer. Many patients with lung carcinoma harbor...

Antioxidants: not all of them match for mitochondrial needs

Mitochondria are tiny structures in human and animal cells that produce energy through an integrated series of chemical reactions known as the respiratory chain...

Dread DNA modification? Fear not, anxiety is now an option

Researchers at The University of Queensland have discovered a DNA modification that enhances our ability to extinguish fear. Fear extinction works as a counter-balance...

Breast cancer: imaging to decide “to remo, chemo or bio”

An estimated 1 in 5 women with breast cancer have a mutation in their tumor cells that produces excess amounts of human epidermal growth factor receptor...

Muscle wasting in diabetes: stop it by tagging the protein @ www.klf15.ub

Diabetes mellitus is a disease caused by insufficient action of the hormone insulin. Insulin not only lowers blood sugar levels, but promotes the growth...

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La sindrome dolorosa regionale complessa: una situazione che, a dispetto delle precedenti teorie, può guarire?

La sindrome dolorosa regionale complessa (CRPS) è una condizione...

Parkinson e Crohn che condividono tratti genetici e metabolici comuni: finalmente verso una medicina personalizzata?

Prove emergenti suggeriscono un legame tra due disturbi apparentemente...

Geraniol: the aromatic natural that would prevent senile dementia?

Although cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and cancers still have their...

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