giovedì, Aprile 18, 2024


Fibrosi polmonare idiopatica: tra “acceleratori” e “freni” molecolari, la possibilità di usare farmaci esistenti per condizioni simili

Il tipo più comune di fibrosi polmonare è idiopatica, ovvero con causa sconosciuta. I ricercatori stanno cercando urgentemente di trovare modi per prevenire o...

Sempre più spazio per la ketamina nel trattamento della depressione resistente: come fa a “resettare” i circuiti?

Background Le stime attuali indicano che oltre 300 milioni di individui sono affetti da disturbo depressivo maggiore (MDD) a livello globale, circa 700.000 dei quali...

Proteasome anchors to neuronal membranes to become a signaling platform: moonlightner or hidden deceiver?

Within the nervous system, the proteasome system (PROS) has been reported to be involved in a number of cellular processes. Furthermore, PROS appears to...

Lung cancer needs lactate to grow: and protease becomes the gatekeeper

UT Southwestern researchers have found that an enzyme on the surface of some lung cancer cells helps feed the cancer, making it a tempting...

PSP: being orphan for drugs, the tracer at least marks for discrimination

PSP is is a rare brain disorder of the atypical parkinsonism group, characterized by four-repeat tau aggregates in neurons (neurofibrillary tangles) and glia in...

Social media: use ‘em less, to avoid loneliness and find togetherness

Although experts have debated the potential link between social media use and decreased well-being for years, a new study adds more fuel to the...

Cranberries: a fruity tool to shape microbiota and our health

In a recently published feeding trial in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, scientists investigated the potential protective effect of cranberries on the gut microbiome with...

OGG1: as genome “greasemonkey” and inflammatory “mailman”

A multidisciplinary team of researchers led from Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed an anti-inflammatory drug molecule with a new mechanism of action. By...

Liver cancer: “malignant pathways” are already there in cirrhosis

Liver cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality worldwide, claiming 700,000 lives each year. Most cases are discovered too late for a...

NAD+: does the hidden metabolism mirrors to tissue health?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) is called the "anti-aging molecule" because research has shown that its levels fall with age and that restoring them can...

Organophosphates: not just crop pesticides, now indoor threateners

Scientists at Indiana University found high levels of a previously unsuspected pollutant in homes, in an electronic waste recycling facility and in the natural...

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